Programatic diagram:
With my Programatic diagram I wanted to use shapes that I felt would go with my concept. So I chose puzzel peices, every peice fits with the next except for the two larger peices which represent the two races in my concept. The two large peices are so close to being able to become one there just missing one thing.
Longitudinal Section A
Longitudinal Section B
Cross Section C
Cross Section D Cross Section E
Cross Section F
Section key
Imagine trying to save someone on the verge of death, but they refuse your help. These individuals are neither depressed nor insane, their prejudice.
Natural disasters cause devastation all over the world, but in 2005, a hurricane that many of us will never forget hit the American coast and destroyed thousands of homes, businesses, and lives. All types of people came together after this horrific disaster to try and help the victims still trapped in Louisiana. As a nation we showed great compassion and care for the victims, but a small group of relief workers seemed to be ostracized during the mission.
A small documentary was made about Muslim victims and relief workers. Ruben Vaughan one of the Islamic relief workers said he experienced two different reactions from non-Muslims. In one instance some of the workers were helping carry supplies to affected areas when people would turn and ask them what they were doing saying, “We don’t need your help you can just take it back.” While others would load up their cars and help the workers on their way. Even such a small thing as wearing a hijab on their head would cause people to turn away from their help.
Prejudice is real and is still ever so present in our society, even in Greensboro. For instance when approaching the GTA bus ride feeling slightly prejudice against the individuals on the bus seemed to come naturally to most people. Scared, nervous, slightly germ phobic, and resentment for having to ride the bus with a bunch strangers seemed to be a common thread among my peers.
Prejudice can also be explained in terms of a force field that drives people apart, similar to two magnets when you have one negative and one positive charge. It seems that no matter how hard you try to just connect the two and create a whole, there’s always that force, that wall, that keeps the from one another.
A concept revolving around prejudice, interrupted into a bus for 4 relief workers, (two of which are of Islamic decent, and two of American decent) whom have two symmetrical sides on the bus. The symmetrical sides are a symbolic representation of the commonality of the four individuals. That although they may have different backgrounds they are all people just the same. The two communal areas for the four individuals are located in the center of the bus where a series of two pocket doors are located which gives the option to open it up as one major room where they can all become a whole. But like the magnetic force, there seems to be a something in the way that keeps the pocket doors seem from opening up completely. Only a small sliver of the adjacent communal area is able to be seen.
As individuals we need to understand that disasters know no prejudice it happens to everyone.
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