Sunday, September 28, 2008

Post Card - Jay Lennartson

This is my post card to Dr Jay Lennarson

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Chair cards 11-19


Tête-à-tête was created by J. H. Belter in New York, New York, America during the years of 1850-60. It is made out of a combination of varies woods such as Rosewood, ash, pine, and walnut. Belter was know and is still known for his laminated and carved Rococo Revival rosewood parlor suites. His method of steaming several layers of wood glued together resulted in thin strong and curved pieces that could be carved. This chair was inspired by eighteenth-century French sources. Tête-à-tête consists of C- and S- curves and scrolls, curved cabriole legs, and carved ornamented flowers. This chair also known as confident was used for one on one discrete conversation.Made during the same time period Étagère is similar to tête-à-tête with its scroll shaped legs and S- and C- shaped scroll carvings. Tête-à-tête holds a high contrast to the Le Corbusier Petit Loveseat which also is for seating two people, but it neither has the intimacy desired in the tête-à-tête, nor the ornamented carvings and intricate detailing of the wood frame.

Community charette

During this charette we focused on how to get the word out to the community at UNCG and also within the community of Greensboro. On of the ideas we came up with is called Shop Drop. Basically it consists of the oppisite of shop lifting. We would buy goods and replace the labels with our own as a way of spreading the word. The labels could be of our different bus shelter ideas to our buses to our studio mission statement. This is just a way of putting our idea out there in places that every one goes. Once we replaced the labels we would place the goods back in the store where customers are free to take the free of charge.

to see the other ideas our group came up with visit Anna, Lauren, and Nacarra's blogs

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Code Charette

The Crazy Eights’After researching, decoding, and sorting through the myriad of codes, ergonomic issues, and proxemic issues we were better able to asses our models from both the bus shelter and shelter bus charrette's. It became apparent that our original designs, while creative and inventive, were lacking in several major fundamental areas. As a group we all have varying experience with codes, ergonomic and proxemic considerations, but generally these aspects of design are new, and untaught subjects we are eager to study further. We are all in agreement that the regulations published by ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) and various other sources, are absolutely pertinent to the design process; without these considerations impairment of fine innovative ideas is inevitable. We feel its highly important for designers, architects and even decorators to an extent, to educate themselves about necessary requirements, codes and human interactions within spaces in order to optimize the users overall experience. While ingenuity is at a premium in our industry it is also essential that we understand the how, and why aspects of codes, ergonomics and proxemic particularly as we continue to progress forward with sustainable design, which has its own intricate guide of requirements and regulations. The future of design will never be evident however, it is unmistakable that our responsibility is to our fellow citizens to create, and provide the most comprehensive, and universally acceptable designs possible. The four of us agree that our future as designers will be vastly influenced by the current design standards, and potentially new standards we set forth. The principles we learn now are going to make us all more proficient and competent designers, attributes that we should all be proud of.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Container Charette - Final sketch models

This first model shown is our Kid Bus/Fun Bus. This is for children ranging from ages 3-8. During a disaster we as a group felt it was important to entertain the children. For one sometimes kids don't really understand whats happening, what happened and not to say get in the way of adults but have way more pent up energy that they need to let loose. This way parent can feel comfortable letting their children a few at a time onto the fun bus to blow off some steam. Supervisors will be available on the bus to watch and keep the children safe. We felt that instead of having a bus that the victim stayed on it could be a bus that would go around to the different shelters for a few hours.
The childrens bus will include two coloring tables for smaller children; a building block station; a ball pit complete with 3 punching bag obstacles; a loft area with a slide that conects to the ball pit; and finally a dry erase board located in the hallway/isle for a few signatures from kids or pictures.

This model is of our faith/counseling bus. During/after natural disasters like Katrina you find groups banding together praying hoping for their family, and we felt this bus would be a good way for the victim to come into a safe open soothing environment and have the option to meet with other victims in the community room and talk about the past events or meet one on one in the Therapy room with a counslor. or even upstairs in the Zen room for a soothing experience a quite environment to meditate or lie down.

Crazy 8's: group members: Maiken, Shannon, Lilly

Container Project Shelter/Bus Symbol Group 8

to check out our groups container charette go to lillys blog:

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Postcard 2

* Dear Jenny Paige,

When I would eat in the caf and the EUC I never really thought about how much food is left on trays and wasted. I think that the idea of a trayless dining is great. I don't think I know anyone who's eyes are aren't bigger than their stomach. Although on the opposite side the idea is also bad because when you look at all the things college students carry around it's difficult to carry all your food and drnk also. Maybe theres a happy medium...

Jennifer Deal,DGUS:2006-13,DGUS:en

Thursday, September 4, 2008

4 girls + 1 dirty man = really creeped out

Where to begin…It’s hard to really put your finger on the best words to describe the city bus.
It all started on a hot day in September….just kidding…after studio yesterday I went upstairs to get on my computer to check out the Greensboro Department of Transportation website, and that right there was a feat in itself. It wasn’t the easiest thing to navigate or understand. When I finally found the maps of the bus routes I didn’t know where to begin. Basically it was roads with colorful lines on it, but as I’m looking at these maps thoughts are going through my head “What about the people that don’t have access to the internet or a computer how do they know what/where to go? Who am I going with because I definitely not going by myself…” After studying for a few more minutes and still not coming to any definite conclusion I just decide to give up and give it a go. Around the same time Megan comes up and asks if I want go with them (Megan, Meg, and Sara)…Thanks goodness I’m not going alone…So off we go, I pick up my camera at my apartment so I can get some nice candid shots of us on the bus and we head to Meg’s apartment. Turns out there is a bus stop right down the road from Meg’s apartment so we park our cars and start walking…After that it seems to be all down hill…Because none of us had ever rode the city bus in Greensboro we had know idea what to expect or what to do we didn’t know where we would end up, or if we’d make it back home…We hadn’t been at the bus stop for more than a minute when we see it flying down the rode towards us. So hurriedly we all scramble for our cash to pay the fare already confused. I was the first to get on so I was the Ginny pig. While inserting the money the driver starts asking me questions of where I’m going, if I’m getting off or going to the depot, obviously I didn’t know so I turn to the three behind me and ask are we going to the depot…confused and nervous I just mumble God knows what and walk to the back of the bus where there isn’t anyone. It’s funny to me now when I look back at it because I know those people could tell we were all newbes, because we were obviously the least comfortable with our surroundings. Even though there were numerous seats available near the front of the bus we headed straight to the back where there were four seats next to each other. Ironic since how as a white woman 50 years ago I would have preferred to sit in the front…So we’re riding on the bus, being challenged with the task of trying to stay in our seats. The bus obviously lacks in hydraulics and is bouncing around; slamming on brakes ever two seconds, and gives you whip lash.
We’ve been on the bus for around 10 minutes and the entire time I’m filming and we notice near the front of the bus this strange looking man keep looking at us and waving. 4 girls + 1 dirty man = really creeped out. Suddenly we see that we are pulling into the depot confusing and panic starts to set in again…”What do we do, do we stay on the bus? Do we get off? If we get off where do we go, what bus to we get on?” We come to the conclusion to ask the bus driver…As Megan and Meg head to the front to ask the bus driver which bus to get on Sara and I get trapped…We notice that the creepy man from the front of the bus is heading towards us I look at Sara see the second exit and start saying just get off, get off here…narrow escape…We wait for Megan and Meg, funny enough the bus driver didn’t understand us. He couldn’t understand why we would want to get on the bus just to go back to where we came from…Guess what neither did we mister…So we realize we need to be on bus nine so we board that bus and hand the driver our tickets, as we turn down the isle we realize there’s no seats together so we spilt up. The majority of the trip I’m twisted in my seat filming our journey when suddenly I look down and the man sitting two seats down from me has decided that he didn’t want to use just his seat but he’d also like to use mine too; he had his arm and hand propped up on the back of my seat prevented my from being able to lean back, because Lord knows I wasn’t touching his hand…My brain starts to mess with me, my back cramps up man I really wanted to lean back…Down the road we see familiar territory we’re approaching where we got on. We reach our destination and hurriedly get off the bus.

All in all this “adventure” has been just another game in second year studio. And the name of the game is trail and error…

Monday, September 1, 2008

Theory Hour postcard 1

for some reason it keeps cutting off half of my picture...but oh well you get the idea the rest is just arms....

Finally i can finish this post...

Finally i'm able to finish this post its taken almost a week but it's done!!! There out of order but thats the least of my worries....